Note there are 2 chests at the end, a normal delve chest, and a special chest that can only be opened with an Arcane Dragon Key.1% - drops a random Artifact Belt (Uncommon, Rare, or Legendary).40% - drops a random T3? Necklace or Ring.60% - drops a random T2.75? Necklace or Ring.Tier 3 (Lair of Lostmauth) dungeon delve chest:.Note the chest will not contain any of the boss loot - no ancient quality gear.40% - drops a random T2 piece your class can use (armor, weapon or otherwise).60% - drops a random T1 piece your class can use (armor, weapon or otherwise).

Tier 2.5 (Castle Never, Malabog's Castle, Valindra's Tower) dungeon delve chest:.20% - drops a random usually junk purple from the endboss in the area.50% - drops a random T1 piece your class can use (armor, weapon or otherwise).20% - drops the other T2 ring/necklace/belt piece the in game description says.10% - drops the T2 set armor/weapon piece the in game description says (note each class has 3 sets).5% - drop a random junk piece of blue loot.45 % - drops a random junk piece of purple loot - usually matching what the final boss can drop.40% - drops the other T1 ring/necklace/belt piece the in game description says.10% - drops the T1 set armor/weapon piece the in game description says (note each class has 3 sets).The figures won't be exact, but it should be useful to players to get an idea of where it's best to farm for each item. These are rough drop rates estimates observed from running 75+ dungeons, and observing all party members loot. You can help Neverwinter Wiki by updating it. Some or all of this article's content may be out of date. Legacy Removed Systems and Information Type ↑ Can only be queued in a private group.↑ 2.0 2.1 Note that all Dungeons can drop Bluefire Weapon Transmutes.↑ 1.0 1.1 Credit to Aragon Youtube for compiling.Elden Ring is a massive open-world fantasy RPG that invites players to enter a mystical realm created by Dark Souls' publisher, FromSoftware, in collaboration with George. ,, Any Uncommon piece from the Star Artifact Set In this guide and walkthrough hub, Elden Ring players can learn everything they need to survive in the Lands Between and become the next Elden Lord. , Any Uncommon piece from the Dark Remnants Artifact Set ,, Any Uncommon piece from the Constructed Demise Artifact Set ,, Any Uncommon piece from Lostmauth's Hoard Artifact SetĪny Uncommon piece from the Ravenloft Artifact Set , Any Uncommon piece Valindra's Artifact Set , Any Uncommon piece from the Seldarine Artifact Set Private queues remove the role requirements and reduce the minimum Item Level by 5,000. Dungeons require 1 Tank, 1 Healer, and 3 DPS characters to queue if you join a public queue.

All dungeons have an Item Level requirement which range from 25,000 to 45,000. Dungeons and Advanced Dungeons require 5 players however, using the Private tab in the queue system, you can queue with up to 5 players. To enter a dungeon you must use the queue system. They are similar to Skirmishes, but usually longer, involving exploring some kind of structure and facing several bosses. There's nothing else here, so warp back to the entrance, and you're done with the Deathtouched Catacombs.Dungeons are player-vs-environment private instances which are balanced for groups of five characters. There will be a chest at the end of this room that will contain some Deathroot, which can be traded to Gurranq, the Beast Clergyman, who can be found at the Bestial Sanctum in Caelid. Once it's dead, you'll receive 1600 runes and the Assassin's Crimson Dagger talisman, which restores a portion of your health when you perform a critical hit on an enemy. If you have ranged attacks, you can easily keep your distance from the Black Knife Assassin and defeat it without losing any health. Try summoning some spirits such as the Lone Wolf Ashes as that should give you the help you need to take it down. It doesn't have great poise, so you can stagger it if you whack them enough. The best way to take care of this boss is to immediately overwhelm it with damage. They'll move quickly and try to hit you with some fast stabs and slashes with their dagger. For some strange reason, this boss will be missing a large chunk of its health bar when this fight begins.